Should I Learn WordPress in 2023?


You Should Learn WordPress in 2022. The world of innovation and the web is changing every day. So Should I Learn WordPress in 2022? This article is for Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, Developers, significantly and much more.

WordPress was launched in 2003 only for contributing to blog purposes. Since it is an open-source CMS, designers all throughout the planet began chipping away at WordPress and adding additional highlights to it. WordPress is written in PHP and MySQL. 

By December 2018 sites that worked with WordPress had more than 22 billion month-to-month sees. In 2019 This substance the board framework, figured out how to win over 60% of the sites utilizing CMS, and at present, it controls in excess of 75 million sites. 

Notwithstanding, WordPress isn’t the solitary content management system (CMS) that has access. Drupal and Joomla are both well-known CMS’ that are contending with WordPress. 

WordPress had more than 140 million downloads while Joomla and Drupal are pursuing it far back with 30 and 15 million downloads. 

Most organizations are searching for a dependable and versatile site to stay in the opposition. Most IT heads of huge organizations have taken a gander at other costly arrangements prior to discovering a stage that powers over 34% of the web. 

In this article, we will respond to a basic question: Should I Learn WordPress? Is WordPress still worth learning?


What is WordPress?


WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. WordPress is the most remarkable web designer on the planet. Over 34% of the sites on the web are worked with this CMS. Back in 2003, engineers Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little made a stage for anybody, novice or progressed to distribute their substance online without any hassle.

They thought of what is referred to now as WordPress. WordPress is an open-source web designer dependent on PHP. It is likewise under a GPL endorsement. This implies anybody can chip away at it and add to or eliminate highlights from it. 

This element permitted engineers all throughout the planet to chip away at This open-source CMS and it became what it is today. Over 14% of mainstream sites are worked by WordPress.

WordPress vs Drupal

WordPress vs Drupal WordPress vs Drupal

WordPress acquired its notoriety since it’s not difficult to utilize. You don’t have to have any programming information, a tremendous spending plan, or a populated staff. Then again, Drupal is known for being secure and engineer agreeable for making complex sites. 

To utilize Drupal, you need to have certain information to see how to arrange, fabricate and plan your site. Yet, WordPress is exceptionally easy to use and doesn’t need any programming information to work with. 

As referenced above, there are in excess of 75 million sites worked by WordPress. Thusly, a lot of programmers are continually searching for an alternate strategy to access any site worked with this web designer. Along these lines, it might have security blemishes. Then again, Drupal is discovered to be a lot more grounded than WordPress, and programmers experience issues accessing a Drupal site. 

By and large, WordPress is utilized to assemble sites with a huge number like contributing to a blog, news destinations and so forth yet Drupal is ideal for complex sites.

WordPress vs Joomla

wordpress vs joomla wordpress vs joomla

Joomla is one more remarkable CMS that makes the center progress among WordPress and Drupal. You can contend that Joomla is pretty much as easy to understand as WordPress however with additional advancement choices to construct complex sites. 

To fabricate a site with Joomla you should have essential programming information as it requires a cycle of coding. Then again, WordPress doesn’t expect you to have any programming information. Modules and topics can be utilized in both Joomla and WordPress. Notwithstanding, WordPress-related subjects and modules are a lot more straightforward to utilize. 

Concerning SEO, WordPress offers an assortment of modules that makes life simpler. In any case, Joomla is more restricted on the module front and furthermore is for the most part less SEO amicable. 

Joomla is for the most part utilized for sites with more substance and design adaptability like long range interpersonal communication sites and so forth

How Does WordPress Work?

How Does  WordPress  Work

In the more established days, you needed to gain proficiency with a programming language to make a progression of codes to show a solitary page in an internet browser. These days, by introducing WordPress on your web worker which just requires 5 minutes, you can utilize its online proofreader to make website pages without knowing any programming language. 

This cm needs two fundamental parts to chip away at any web worker. 



WordPress is written in PHP which makes it dynamic. PHP is a worker-side language, which means it runs on your web worker. Because of the presence of WordPress, PHP has gotten quite possibly the most famous programming dialects. 

Then again, it utilizes MySQL as its fundamental hotspot for data set and putting away data. By introducing WordPress and utilizing MySQL, clients approach the data set and can make, update, peruse and erase any data on it. 

All that being said, WordPress capacities on three principal levels: 

It offers an easy-to-use interface known as the WordPress Dashboard for site proprietors to deal with their substance. 

It can make MySQL inquiries for the information base. 

It is expandable by utilizing subjects, modules, and shortcodes. Along these lines, the site proprietor can add any component he/she needs.

How Does WordPress Help My Company’s Work Flow?

In the event that you have an organization and you need various groups to approach and work on the site simultaneously, Then WordPress is the ideal decision for you. 

It permits you to characterize diverse client jobs and consents. With various client jobs, clients can get to various segments of the site, 

In any case, the inquiry is, what do the representatives realize?



By utilizing WordPress in a major organization, the representatives figure out how to cooperate and battle for the principal objective of the site. Furthermore, this CMS has a tremendous local area of allies that assist each other in the event that there is some kind of problem with any segments of the site.

Problem Solving


WordPress offers the chance to construct an incredible site and, simultaneously, your group may confront a few issues. To sort that out, they should do what’s needed exploration to discover the reason and how to fix it. 

In any event, learning a portion of its rudiments expects you to learn and do some exploration in advance. When you took in the issue you should run a few tests to ensure it is turned out great on your site.



Making a website page, a blog entry, and realizing where to utilize SEO, requires association. For instance, on the off chance that one office is chipping away at making a blog entry, it ought to be coordinated with the SEO group and distribute their posts whenever everything is coordinated.



Making a site with WordPress requires consistent correspondence between offices that are chipping away at the site.

Data Analysis

This is right around an absolute necessity for any industry that utilizes WordPress. With Google Analytics and A/B testing with Google Optimize, you can make investigations to quantify the outcomes and enhance flimsy spots of your site.

WordPress is Expandable

WordPress is Expandable

Most WordPress clients don’t have any programming information. In the event that you don’t have any planning or programming information and as yet searching for approaches to add various highlights to your site. You shouldn’t stress. 

WordPress permits you to utilize various topics and modules to add plans and highlights to your site. There are a great many free and premium topics and modules you can browse, and the greater part of them are effectively arranged. 

Subjects here and there accompany their own modules also. For instance, our Publisher subject accompanies 50 modules that basically complete the functionalities of the topic. 

WordPress accompanies many default highlights. Be that as it may, the default highlights aren’t sufficient for certain organizations or individual websites. In case you are among those clients, you can essentially utilize modules to add additional highlights to your site. 

There are in a real sense more than 50,000 modules to browse. By introducing modules, you can add custom usefulness to the site. For Example, by introducing the Yoast SEO module you can upgrade the site and accomplish high positions in web search tools.

Big Name Brands That Use WordPress

As we referenced above, WordPress controls over 34% of sites on the web. By a wide margin, this is the greatest and most well-known CMS on the planet and a ton of large organizations utilize this web designer.

Some of them are:

  • Ted
  • Home Depot
  • UPS
  • PlayStation


How to Become a WordPress Developer?


Because of the notoriety of WordPress, there are a lot of chances for improvement. With more than 76 million clients, there are consistently individuals searching for WordPress designers to upgrade their sites. 

A site engineer can change the manner in which a site looks, just as change the center usefulness, administrator board, and that’s just the beginning. In case you are a high-level engineer, you can even change the manner in which the client profile looks. 

All in all, what can a WordPress designer make?

Create Themes

Create Themes

As referenced above, topics are the center plan of your WordPress site. To foster a cutting-edge topic, you need information on HTML5, CSS3, and obviously PHP. 

PHP is the primary language of WordPress. Hence, in case you are anticipating turning into a designer, learning PHP is an absolute necessity

Create Plugins

Create Plugins

As you likely know at this point, modules can extend the usefulness of a WordPress site. All in all, modules can totally change how a site functions. Making and delivering WordPress modules is additionally a truly beneficial industry right now 

Can I Use WordPress for Big Companies?

You Can Use WordPress for Big Companies

Most organizations and new businesses don’t know how valuable WordPress can be, or then again on the off chance that they ought to try and put resources into a site worked with this web designer. 

Other than the free part of WordPress, it is amazing and these highlights give you the adaptability you generally needed. There are likewise various and instructional exercises on the web that will help you start your site. 

There are 4 key reasons why WordPress is a decent decision for your business.

Low Ongoing Costs

Low Ongoing Costs

As far as spending plan, it is exceptionally difficult to beat. As it is thoroughly free and you don’t need to pay for any authorizing. Reasonable facilitating, free topics, and modules deal with your fundamental necessities. 

The underlying expense can set you off for one year (or more relying upon your bundle). You will require a space name, and a facilitating worker to store your site. On account of the notoriety of WordPress, both of these can be bought economically

Versatility (Plugins & Themes)

Have you at any point been on a site with a stunning-looking contact structure, slider, or other cool usefulness? At any point consider how they did it? Would you like to have something similar on your site? 

Indeed, WordPress makes it simple to do as such. By introducing applicable modules you can add every one of the highlights you need. 

This is the reason WordPress is so famous, with the assistance of subjects and modules, it can transform into any site that you have at the top of the priority list.


The WordPress Dashboard permits you to alter and redo your site without recruiting a web engineer. Its interface is easy to use, simplifying it to use for nearly anybody. 

It permits you to transfer various kinds of media and documents and show them to your crowd.


WordPress’ adaptable plan and customization settle on it an extraordinary decision for an organization that is continually growing. You can begin by utilizing a straightforward topic and gradually grow your activity and usefulness of the site. 

The entirety of this is feasible without paying any additional cash or redesigns. Since it is extremely famous, most online administrations are viable with WordPress. For instance, MailChimp

WordPress’ adaptable plan and customization settle on it an extraordinary decision for an organization that is continually growing. You can begin by utilizing a straightforward topic and gradually grow your activity and usefulness of the site. 

The entirety of this is feasible without paying any additional cash or redesigns. Since it is extremely famous, most online administrations are viable with WordPress. For instance, MailChimp

WordPress has a large number of dynamic clients locally. Consequently, they consistently discharge updates to build the security layers and fix any bugs. This implies any flimsy parts and weaknesses can be fixed rapidly. 

Accordingly, in case you will utilize it to begin your business, we suggest keeping this CMS refreshed consistently.

How to Create a Personal Blog Using WordPress?

Create a Personal Blog Using WordPress

As referenced above, WordPress is exceptionally simple to utilize and has minimal expense. In any case, for publishing content for a blog purpose, you can just make a record on and begin contributing to a blog without paying a penny. This gives a stage to little bloggers and individuals who are simply heading out to figure out how to blog and make a site.

Despite the fact that publishing content to a blog on workers accompanies a couple of impediments. For instance, you can’t add or eliminate any highlights to your blog.


In this article, we discussed a wonderful CMS and attempted to clarify if learning WordPress is great. WordPress is the most impressive web designer on the planet with more than 75 million sites working with it and 500 more are made consistently. 

A ton of enormous organizations utilize this stage to plan them. The highlights it offers and its adaptability has persuaded enormous organizations to quit paying large cash for static sites and use WordPress all things considered.


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