15 Best News Themes in WordPress 2022

15 Best News Themes in WordPress 2023

When you’re creating and curating a news point, design is everything. Compendiums want to get straight to the information they’re looking for. They don’t want unclear navigation or a visually inviting interface to get in their way. That’s why choosing the right theme for the job is critical; after all, there is a plenitude of inadequately designed news themes out there.

 The specific features to look for when picking a news theme will vary with your point’s purpose, but you’ll clearly want to choose a theme that prioritizes readability and ease of navigation. You’ll also want to make sure that the theme is perfectly optimized for hunt machines since compendiums want only the most applicable, up-to-date news content. Also, easy support for advertisements is a must if you’re planning to monetize your point.

 To help you make the right decision, we’ve collected a list of the stylish WordPress news themes out there. Let’s progeny started!

 1. SmartMag

SmartMag is an important and largely protean news WordPress theme.

 With a huge list of features, SmartMag is an emotional WordPress theme for creating news websites. As this theme has been a popular option for creating content-rich websites many times now, it’s not only amassed a large stoner base but also grown in terms of the features that you get access to and the types of news spots it’s suitable for.

 Just taking a quick look at the changelog reveals how important this theme has been upgraded and bettered since its original release. Still, if you really want to get to know SmartMag more, viewing the website demonstrations that come with this theme is a great place to start. Doing so lets you test drive the 15 ready-made news website demonstrations that you can import into your WordPress dashboard when you buy SmartMag.

 The demonstrations do cover a wide range of news spots, making this a theme that should appeal to wide followership. Some exemplifications of those demonstrations include designs for spots that cover widgets, the rearmost tech news, fiscal updates, and sports to name just a many. The demonstrations all look veritably different from each other, rather than just being slight variations on a core design.

Thanks to the inflexibility of SmartMag, you can fluently repurpose the demonstrations. Thus, if you’re creating a trip news point but like the look of the sports rally, for illustration, it won’t take important time or trouble to acclimate it so that it works well for your design. You can also customize the demonstrations indeed further, using the supported Elementor runner builder to epitomize them as much as you want.

 The demonstrations aren’t the only reason to choose SmartMag, however. As mentioned, this theme has lots of features to help your website come to a success. Some exemplifications include the large library of happy rudiments that you can add to your runners to enhance them, the social sharing tools to help your content go viral, and the autoloading of posts to keep callers engaged for longer.

 SmartMag is a great illustration of an advanced news WordPress theme that’s also easy to use.

 2. Newspaper

 Frequently the stylish themes are the bones designed for a specific purpose, which take the requirements of a certain type of stoner into account. Review is such a theme – it’s erected designedly for news and magazine websites.

 With over happy guests and counting, Review is accessible to inexperienced druggies, while still furnishing plenitude of professional- position options. It’s a mobile-optimized theme that’s presto, tidied, and prioritizes performance and functionality. Plus, it can take the strain of lots of content and high-resolution images while keeping cargo times down.

 The intuitive and easy-to-use interface makes the design process just as quick – especially with over 50pre-built demonstrations to choose from. However, you can do so with either of two whisked runner builder plugins – tagDiv Musician or WPBakery – and the frontend CSS editor, If you’d like to dive into creating your own layouts. Also, creating papers and author, order, or search runners has no way been easier than now, with the use of the tagDiv Cloud Library which gathers hundreds of pre-designed templates. Just import a template and customize it with the tagDiv Musician builder, right on the frontal end!

. In addition, there are dozens of news-acquainted contraptions for rainfall, social media, exchange requests, and more. There’s also an erected-in standing system, as well as the option to bed vids from around the web. Eventually, Review is completely optimized for Google AdSense and comes programmed with a system that bus-detects advertisements and makes them incontinently responsive.

We like Newspapers, and we suppose you’ll too! This ultramodern, engaging theme might just be what you’re looking for if you want a fast and responsive website to publish content to multiple online channels.

 3. Zeen

 When you’re running a news website, you need a theme similar to Zeen that offers both an aesthetically-pleasing design and well-optimized functionality.

 This coming generation news and magazine theme offers a beautiful style that’s further up-to-date and satiny than what you’ll get from utmost druthers. It includes 30 decoration pre-built spots and can be used for everything from particular blogs to full-fledged online magazines.

Zeen is designed to work with WooCommerce, making it easy to make a shop for your news point. This theme is largely customizable and optimized for both speed and SEO. It also comes with features that are unique and largely specific to news spots, similar to areas for patronized posts, colorful advertising locales, and clickable background advertisements.

 Still, smooth, and contemporary news theme, If you’re looking for a fast.

 4. TheGem

 When it comes to erecting a news website, the layout is critical. With so important content to present, you need a clear way to navigate it all, without confusing your compendiums. Fortunately, TheGem has you covered.

TheGem has a swish and ultramodern sense, combined with a host of fresh features. With the plenitude of navigation options, as well as title and footer customization, you have the freedom to produce a layout that matches your unique conditions. In this way, you’ll be suitable to feature your news content for maximum engagement.

 Likewise, TheGem is easy to use and whisked with the WPBakery Page Builder plugin for a flawless design. It includes over 400 rally layouts, flexible runner creation options, an important admin interface, and much further besides.

 Still, TheGem is sure to make your shortlist!

, If you’re looking for a flexible option with the power to make your news point to an exacting specification.5. The Issue

It’s likely you’ll be publishing a lot of regular content on your news website. Thus, you’ll need a theme that’s both flexible and easy to use. Fortunately, The Issue passes both of those tests with flying colors.

 The Issue comes packed with a wide range of demonstrations and templates, which helps you hit the ground handling. Important of this rally content is immaculately suited to publishing and displaying newspapers. What’s more, there are colorful post formats, gallery display, and review style options to pick from, giving you a lot of choice over how your content appears.

 Social media integration is also vital for news- concentrated points, and The Issue simplifies that process. You can display share counts on papers, include links to your social biographies, and give simple ways for compendiums to partake your content with their own followers.

 This theme is designed from the ground up for erecting seductive, point-rich news and magazine spots, and its attention to detail shows. There’s no mistrustfulness that The Issue belongs on your shortlist!

6. PenNews

 When erecting a news website, it’s essential to produce a home runner that showcases a variety of visually-striking papers. Still, numerous news themes aren’t designed with minimalism in mind. With PenNews, you can avoid this pitfall.

 Out of the box, the whisked WPBakery Page Builder plugin lets you arrange your point rudiments with ease via a drag-and-drop interface. Also whisked with PenNews is the Convert Plug plugin, which is extremely useful for growing and managing your dispatch subscriber list.

 What separates PenNews from the competition is the huge compass at your disposal for layout customization. You’re given the option to play around with further than 40 content block styles, over ten grid layouts, as well as a broad array of custom videotape playlists and gallery styles.

 Anyhow of whether your news point is concentrated on a specific niche, PenNews is great value for a plutocrat, and should come part of your theme shortlist!

. 7. Prime News

One of the keystones of the internet is the freely-available news on virtually every subject imaginable. This means news spots are big business. Still, without a theme to match your niche, similar to Prime News, you might fail to subsidize your compendiums’ interest.

When it comes to news spots, minimalism frequently takes an aft seat. This is accessible, given the natural desire to pack every pixel with content. Still, Prime News manages to include a plenitude of features without cluttering up the screen.

For illustration, there are both slide-heft and more traditional navigation options, image sliders, ticker bars, vids, announcement space, and much further. Despite this, the home runner doesn’t come across as inviting. In addition, all of these rudiments can be customized either via the Live Customizer or the devoted Theme Options panel.

Overall, Prime News isn’t at all one-dimensional, despite its original appearance. Anyhow of the type of news point you’re structure, you should be suitable to use this theme to carve an engaging, witching, and absorbing final product.

8. Jannah

When it comes to news reporting, the character is everything. Although it should be grounded largely on your journalistic sweats, your website’s illustrations also have a part to play. Thankfully, there’s a theme that can help you stand out – Jannah.

A primary concern of this theme’s inventors was easy to help you get your point up and running snappily. There’s an absolute wealth of rally templates to choose from – each installed with just one click – encompassing a wide variety of niches. To customize your layouts further (or to design your own from scrape), you can turn to the erected-in drag-and-drop runner builder.

While numerous other themes stop there, Jannah offers some thoughtful additions that could be a deal maker. For illustration, there’s an option to automatically remove indistinguishable content – without this point, you could see a negative impact on your Hunt Machine Optimization (SEO). In addition, this theme includes desktop announcement functionality, so your regular callers can get breaking news without having to navigate to your website.

Still, you’d be forgiven for allowing that Jannah is just another too’ theme If you were to casually skim the demonstrations and deals runner. Still, it includes some veritably useful features, all wrapped up in a swish design. Overall, Jannah is a theme we wholeheartedly recommend!

.9. MagPlus

When you’re erecting a news website, you want it to be presto, responsive, and flexible. Druggies need to be suitable to navigate from composition to composition easily, and you’ll want access to a plenitude of features that can help you ameliorate their experience.

Fortunately, MagPlus is then to help you out. This theme is designed specifically for news spots and analogous niches, and that focus pays off. It’s well optimized for mobile bias and boasts veritably fast cargo times. What’s more, MagPlus is restatement-ready and integrates fluently with AdSense so you can monetize your papers.

To help you design a point that grabs compendiums’ attention and encourages them to stick around, there are lots of options when it comes to tweaking its appearance. MagPlus comes with numerous layouts to get you started, and over 30 templates that are suited to a wide range of subjects. There are also a variety of title and composition layouts, sliders, contraptions, and other pre-built rudiments.

Still, swish news point snappily, MagPlus has your reverse, If you want to make a fast. With this theme, you’ll be over and running in no time, and your callers will have an excellent experience every time.

10. Voice

When browsing through the Voice theme, the word that may be most prominently come to mind is “ fineness.” The combination of a flat, cubical design with bold colors creates a pleasing effect – maybe not particularly cultural, but clearly pleasing on the eye.

As with some other themes in this collection, Voice offers color-enciphered orders, which can be virtually useful when your point publishes papers on a wide range of motifs. The full-range homemade slider with subtle CSS3 goods on the homepage does a great job of featuring a variety of stories, and the seductive visual experience continues through to the composition runners.

The typography – arguably each-important on a news theme – isn’t maybe as striking as one would hope. In a theme that tends to transude style far more frequently than not, the sources feel a little unimaginative and plain. Having said that, Voice offers simple fountain customization, so if you have the time and inclination to find your own striking fountain combination, you can conduct your own style on the design.

11. Networker

Networker is a WordPress theme for creating tech news websites and online magazines.

Still, also Networker has lots of features you’re sure to find useful If you want to launch a website where you can publish reviews of widgets and analogous products as well as share the rearmost tech news. The six website demonstrations that come with Networker are each concentrated on a different type of tech news, including designs aimed at apps, startups, and creative news, to name just a many. Still, as this theme is veritably flexible, you don’t have to use the demonstrations for their recommended purposes. However, there’s a high chance that this theme and its templates would work well If there’s any aspect of tech news that you’d like to cover.

Each rally has its own set of templates for publishing individual papers, giving you lots of choices each time you add a new composition to your point. There are also numerous different library templates to make use of, too. Choosing where to display the sidebar or whether to display one at all can be decided on an individual post and runner base. All of the prebuilt content of Networker has been optimized for smartphone bias, icing that your followership can snappily and fluently pierce your content, no matter how they’re viewing your point.

In addition to the large library of templates, Networker has numerous useful features to make your news point more stoner-friendly. Some exemplifications of these features include the capability to autoload the coming composition once a caller gets to the end of the current piece of content they’re reading, a live hunt tool to make it easier for compendiums to find what they’re looking for, and social media integration to help you display more useful content on your point. AdSense integration is included too, giving you an easy way to monetize your point.

Networker also comes with a selection of custom blocks for the rearmost interpretation of the WordPress editor.

12. ZoxPress

Numerous news websites partake the same cluttered look because their themes give them little inflexibility to offer important differently. ZoxPress, on the other hand, comes with a streamlined design and ultramodern features to keep your compendiums engaged.

This theme gives you access to 100 different layout and style combinations to suit any niche. You can install one of the numerouspre-built demonstrations with one click, and customize them with colorful title options and over 900 Google sources. You can also choose from stunning post layouts to make your papers stand out.

In addition, ZoxPress enables you to place in-line parallax advertisements that will appear as the stoner scrolls down the runner. It indeed comes with a night mode option, which is easier on your compendiums’ eyes. You can also enable automatic lading for your posts, and cover the results with Google Analytics to gauge your followership’s interests.

Overall, if you’re looking for a multipurpose news theme with anthology-friendly features, ZoxPress could be an excellent choice. This completely responsive design can allure your followership and keep them concentrated on your content.

13. Newspaper

Newspaper is a beautiful news theme with elegant typography. It has the same name as the former theme on this list, vended on ThemeForest, so don’t get it confused — this bone is from the folks at MyThemeShop. The design is simply stunning; it combines a veritably print-centric interface with a befitting quantum of white space. You’ll find the same story indeed with the megamenu navigation images again taking central precedence.

The responsive layout focuses on a functional frontal end interface, so you have multiple options to sludge posts by markers like fashionability, brand, especially “ featured” posts, etc. However, also you’re in luck because Review comes with important AdSense integration that optimizes announcement placement for maximum CTR If you’re planning to monetize your news point with AdSense. As added lagniappes, the theme is also optimized for hunt machines, speed, and restatement.

Easily, it would be hard to go wrong with Review.

14. Herald

Herald is a business-suchlike, straightforward news theme. While it’s less elegant than some of the other news themes available, it manages to pack a lot of content onto the runner while still being easy to navigate.

Like numerous of the themes in this collection, Herald offers a large quantum of design customization. It features modules that enable further than 500 different layout combinations, as well as a customizable title. You can fluently color law orders, produce multi-page posts, and enable horizonless scroll. An affiliated posts point is erected-in, and you have the option to produce posts that feature audio, videotape, images, or galleries.

Monetization is straightforward, with predefined locales for advertisements on home runners, library runners, and posts. Herald also vessels with a Theme Translator that enables you to produce restatements of all corridors of your website in the Theme Options panel.

15. Newsbeat

When you suppose about journals, you imagine clean lines, big prints, long paragraphs, and tons of information. However, Newsbeat could be a fantastic choice, If you’re looking for a theme that embodies the spirit of a review.

This theme includes nine pre-built demonstrations you can use as a starting point for your website. They range from classic layouts to further ultramodern tech beats and beauty blogs. They all (of course) have written content in common. With Newsbeat, you get beautiful typography and large images to draw in the eyes of your compendiums.

Still, Newsbeat packets in the WPBakery Page Builder plugin, which enables you to tweak nearly any aspect of your design and add new features, If you want to customize your news website. Beyond this, Newsbeat comes with five different styles of heads and over 25 layouts to use.

To keep up with the news, you’ll need a theme that provides the functionality essential to running a blog, online magazine, or news website. Checking out Newsbeat could be the only scoop you need to break!


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